Youth Clubs - RPC
WHERE: Richhill Presbyterian Church Buildings (Entrance - Side Doors)
WHEN: Fridays - 6:30PM-8:00PM
WHO: Children in P6 & P7
COST: £10 Registration fee then a £1 weekly fee.
IOTAS (It Only Takes A Spark) offers a chance to hang out with friends, play games and go on exciting trips away, while serving as an introduction to our Friday night youth activities. There will also be an epilogue each week where they will learn from the Bible.
IOTAS runs during school term time every Friday night from 6:30-8:00pm in the Youth Base and sports hall at church.
Leadesr in Charge:
Cathy Diffen: (+447742243943)
Kyle Irwin: (+447927630318)
WHERE: Richhill Presbyterian Church Buildings (Entrance - Side Doors)
WHEN: Fridays - 8:15PM-10:00PM
WHO: Year 8 - Year 12
COST: £10 Registration fee + £1 per night. (Only one registration fee per family)
Leaders in Charge:
Iain Irwin (+447749448818)
Louisa Hanna (+447934340474)
Richhill Presbyterian Church Senior Youth Club or “Connect” runs every Friday from September to April for children in 1st - 5th Year (Year 8 - Year 12).
It starts at 8:15pm and runs to 10:00pm. On an average night at youth Club we have sports in the hall, Xbox, table tennis, board games, badminton and a tuck shop. Each night we also have an epilogue where a leader shares from the Bible and gives a short talk for 5-10 minutes. This year our theme will be Basic - understanding the basics of Christianity. Also, throughout the year we go on trips away and welcome in organisations/charities where we do something a little different for the night.
To find out more about what we have going on, check out our Social Media handles: Facebook: RichhillPcYouth or Instagram: @Richhillpcyouth or check this webpage!
To download the required consent form for Connect Youth Club 2019/2020 - click here.