Sunday School
Sunday School Update:
Online Digital Games:
‘Guardians of Ancora’ (Search in the App Store) - Check it out here
'Bible App for Kids' (You Version) - You can access this online interactive digital game on any smart phone or tablet by going into the app store and downloading.
Online Bible Resources:
'Crossroads Kids Club’ - Check out their website & Youtube Channel
'The Bible Project' - For youth, students and adults, you can check out The Bible Project's Youtube page for walk through animations and explanations of key themes in the Bible to help you support your child better:
‘Superbook’ - Another interactive children’s programme using videos and lesson plans that you can access online through their website, smart phone or tablet through their app and on their YouTube channel.
For Bible lessons: Bible Education Services, Postal Bible School have free resources you can access.
Prayer Resources:
To help children engage with prayer, why not consider setting up a prayer space activity? You can access ideas and lesson plans on the ‘prayer spaces in schools’ website:…